News / Surfing

How to choose the right size surfboard - The Big 3

How to choose the right size surfboard - The Big 3

Design, Volume and Dimensions When choosing your next surfboard – you need to consider The BIG 3: Design… then Volume…. then Dimensions…in that order. Whether you’re looking for a groveler, hybrid, shortboard or even a noserider, these are always the...

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5 Of Our Favorite Products Made In The USA

5 Of Our Favorite Products Made In The USA

1. Stretch Carbon / Cork Standup Board Stretch is one of the most progressive individuals in the surfing industry. The reason is that he hasn’t closed the door on any related industries. He does windsurf boards, kitesurf boards, standup paddleboards...

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Lib Tech Waterboards - Review for Kitesurfing

Lib Tech Waterboards - Review for Kitesurfing

We’ve been busy riding and testing Lib Tech Waterboards to see how they perform as kitesurf boards and the results are impressive. Overall we were particularly interested in the how the board feels when you are riding it and how...

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Kneel Down Paddleboarding

Kneel Down Paddleboarding

With REAL team members starting windsurfing in 1976, kiting in 1998 and standup paddleboarding in 2004, it’s no wonder they’re about to pop the cork on the newest, and hottest, sport known to H20-kind. REAL Co-Founder Trip Forman with the...

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C3 Surfboard Construction

C3 Surfboard Construction

Download the Article What is C3? C3: Cork Carbon Composite Construction takes the rare performance characteristics of light weight, flex and durability, and puts them together to create a unique surfboard that is truly worth the additional coin compared to...

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Spending the Summer in Cape Hatteras

Spending the Summer in Cape Hatteras

Cape Hatteras is a watersports paradise. Whether you like to surf or kite it’s one hell of a place to soak up the summer sun. Every year many people choose to call Cape Hatteras home for several months so they...

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REAL Ninamu: 12 Days in Paradise

REAL Ninamu: 12 Days in Paradise

BY JASON SLEZAK REAL has always been known to do things big, and with style. Anyone who has been on a REAL Travel adventure since the brand’s inception knows this to be true. So it is no surprise that REAL...

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2011 Fall Session Recap

2011 Fall Session Recap

September is just around the corner and there is a real buzz in the air in Cape Hatteras. Everyone knows that some of the best sessions of the year are just around the corner and we can hardly contain our...

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August Session Tips

August Session Tips

August is an amazing time of year to take sessions in the Outer Banks. Here are some suggestions for you and your friends/family: Kiteboarding: The Outer Banks is one of the best locations in the world to learn to Kiteboard....

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