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Dakine Superlite Floating Leash-Clear-6' x 1/4"

by Dakine • SKU 610934332728
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Product Information


When the swell picks up, the Superlite surf leash sets you up for peaks up to a few feet overhead. Its hollow 1/4-inch (6.5mm) Dura-Cord build floats to reduce hangups in shallow waters without compromising on strength. The 2-inch molded neoprene ankle cuff offers beefy comfort.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Pretty Sweet Leash

I was recommended this leash for surf foiling and I must say it is great for that purpose. Keeping the leash out of the foil is always a hassle for me, as I do not like the feel of a coiled leash. I also used this leash for surfing and for that purpose it seems to work as well as any other "normal leash" on the market. My one complaint is the cuff. The thing just spins around on your ankle, even if tightened down to the max. It is also not super comfortable, so tightening it all the way down is a pain in itself. Leash would be a 5/5 if they would put a different a different cuff on it.

Perfect for surf foiling and regular surfing

I originally bought this leash specifically to use for surf foiling. I found my regular surf leash would sink down around the foil wings and get wrapped up right when I would paddle for a wave. I then tried the coil leash which was way better, but every now and then it rebounds back when popping up on the wave and I would step on it. This Superlite leash is the perfect option that works great for the surf foil. When you are sitting in the lineup it stays high up on the water instead of sinking onto the foil wings, and when you pop up on the wave it trails behind just like a regular leash. Perfect!

I thought I would use this just for foiling, but after bringing it on a surf trip I found its still a super solid all around leash. I thought that maybe the hollow center would make it ultra stretchy and it would get too stretched out in bigger surf, but I found that it felt just like my other standard pro 1/4" leashes. I find myself using this for regular surfing all the time now too.

Great design, great for multiple aspects of sport. Really stoked that I found this leash for my surf foil setup!!

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