Brett Barley Wins User's Choice Wave of the Winter for November

Here’s what Brett had to say the day after it happened:

“My friend Robbie Vallad called and said there were some pretty decent barrels hitting a sandbar next to Rockpile. I grabbed some lunch and went to give it a look, and was surprised to see a ton of sand had piled up, making the waves basically shorebreak — as in you could walk almost to the impact zone. It was pretty inconsistent, but now and then a couple would hit just right and grind. It had similar shape to how some bars get at home, so I was amping.

“I surfed a few hours and found some fun ones, but nothing special till I lucked into that bigger one at dark. It looked pretty walled up, and I thought i might be too deep, but then it backed off a bunch as I bottom turned and I ended up in the perfect spot. It shaped up so square right as it started to spit and hit the shallow part of the bar.

“I love the unique shape a shallow bar like that can give a wave — and getting a good sand setup like that on the North Shore is rare, so all the boys were enjoying it. Not to mention it was the first day of any barrels in two+ weeks! Felt good to finally spend a session hunting some tubes instead of air sections.”

The O’Neill Wave of the Winter waiting period runs through the end of February. You can check all the entries here, upload a clip you scored here and read more on the judges and criteria here.

The ride with the most votes each month takes home $1,000, and the best ride from the whole damn winter — as taken from the top five rides from November, December, January and February, and then voted on by our esteemed judging panel — will take home $25,000.

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